
Aspects of Mexico Project, phase two: San Miguel de Allende, February – March, 2011.

Artisans of Time started the second phase of the San Miguel de Allende Aspects of Mexico Project  with six slideshow presentations. The Aspects of Mexico started in 2010 with a series of Lectures and Field Trip in partnership with the Instituto Allende and the Biblioteca Pública.

The Aspects of Mexico project rescues the work of Stirling Dickinson, american cultural promoter and a fundamental figure in the XXth Century history of San Miguel.  With  the peruvian historian of art Felipe Cossío del Pomar he is the co-founder of Bellas Artes School and the Instituto Allende, institutions that changed the socio-cultural dynamics of San Miguel.

Dickinson use to give courses about mexican culture and history that he named as Aspects of Mexico. The Artisans of Time Aspects of Mexico project pays homage to the work of Dickinson and pretends to continue the tradition of divulgation of Mexican Heritage he started in the 40´s and 50´s of the past century.

The Aspects of Mexico project isa set of traveling experiences through mexican space and time, which objective is to deepen the understanding about Mexico of english speaking travelers, at the same time it pretends to create memorable experiences and an opportunity for selfknowledge through the discovery of Mexican culture.

Information about the first phase

Lecture 1. The meaning of the name Mexico, the eagle and the cactus tree in the aztec worldview

Lecture 2. The origin of civilization in Ancient Mexico: The Olmecs

Lecture 3. Cosmic Cities of Ancient Mexico: Monte Alban and the Zapotecs

Lecture 4. Cosmic Cities of Ancient Mexico: Teotihuacan


Concluye 1a Fase del Proyecto «Aspects of Mexico» en San Miguel de Allende.

La primera fase del proyecto Aspects of Mexico concluyó el pasado 6 de mayo. La idea central del proyecto es presentar el patrimonio mexicano a un público de habla inglesa en un proyecto innovador de turismo cultural donde se incorpora un elemento central: conferencias con imágenes.

Artesanos del Tiempo concibe estas conferencias o slideshow lectures como incidentes de viaje, practicamos en cada una de ellas una especie de turismo virtual, guiando a los asistentes a través del espacio-tiempo cultural mexicano.

En la imagen podemos ver un mapa mental que desglosa las diversas actividades de esta fase que se dividió en 3 partes:

  • 4 conferencias dedicadas al Bicentenario en el Instituto Allende.
  • 4 lecture + field trip experiences con sede en el Instituto Allende.
  • 4 conferencias sobre la Piedra del Sol en el Teatro Santa Ana de la Biblioteca Pública

En total se realizaron 12 conferencias en un lapso de 3 meses, 4 de ellas formaron parte de las lecture + field trip experiences, es decir formaron un conjunto con 4 excursiones, dos a Teotihuacan, una dedicada a Diego y Frida en la Ciudad de México y otra dedicada a las zonas arqueológicas de Guanajuato, Peralta y Plazuelas.

El total de asistentes a las confernecias fue de 160 personas, considerando este número como un éxito, teniendo como promedio de asistencia un número de 13 pax aproximadamente. Esta primera fase se realizó a través de dos alianzas, una con el Instituto Allende y otra con la Biblioteca Pública, estos organismos fueron las sedes de los ciclos de conferencias.

Actualmente, el equipo de Artesanos del Tiempo se encuentra diseñando la estrategia para la segunda fase de este proyecto que comenzará en el mes de junio de 2010.



Artisans of Time presents its lecture + field trip experience dedicated to Guanajuato Archaeology. Discover this area of Ancient Mexico full of secrets and surprises. The lecture is on tuesday 20th, 5 30 pm at Instituto Allende. The field trip is on friday 23rd, departure time is 8 am at Instituto Allende.

Download the brochure here.

LECTURE: 100 pesos, 20th april, 5 30 pm, Instituto Allende.

FIELD TRIP: $70 USD (includes lecture), 23rd april, 7.45 am, Instituto Allende


4 lectures on the Aztec Calendar Stone

This lectures have passed but you can check some of them in you tube: Lectures

Artisans of Time is going to present in the Santa Anna theatre four lectures about the Aztec Calendar Stone or Sun Stone. This monument is nowadays in the central hall of the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, it was discover in 1790 in the historic center of that city. Since that time many archaeologists, anthropologists and historians have tried to decipher the meaning of its symbols.  This Aztec monument is a complex source of information about the worldview of the Ancient Mexicans, their mythology, their philosophy and their ideas of human being.

On the lectures, Alberto Aveleyra, Mexican anthropologist is going to present some of the results of a twelve years research he has been doing of this prehispanic monument.

The themes for the four slideshow lectures are:

  1. History of the monument
  2. The Sun Stone as an image of the cosmos
  3. The identity of the central face of the Sun Stone
  4. The eagle-jaguar warriors and the Sun Stone.

The lectures are going to be on Thursdays at 5 pm starting on april 15th. The price for the lecture is 100 pesos.