

Artisans of Time presents its lecture + field trip experience dedicated to Guanajuato Archaeology. Discover this area of Ancient Mexico full of secrets and surprises. The lecture is on tuesday 20th, 5 30 pm at Instituto Allende. The field trip is on friday 23rd, departure time is 8 am at Instituto Allende.

Download the brochure here.

LECTURE: 100 pesos, 20th april, 5 30 pm, Instituto Allende.

FIELD TRIP: $70 USD (includes lecture), 23rd april, 7.45 am, Instituto Allende


4 lectures on the Aztec Calendar Stone

This lectures have passed but you can check some of them in you tube: Lectures

Artisans of Time is going to present in the Santa Anna theatre four lectures about the Aztec Calendar Stone or Sun Stone. This monument is nowadays in the central hall of the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, it was discover in 1790 in the historic center of that city. Since that time many archaeologists, anthropologists and historians have tried to decipher the meaning of its symbols.  This Aztec monument is a complex source of information about the worldview of the Ancient Mexicans, their mythology, their philosophy and their ideas of human being.

On the lectures, Alberto Aveleyra, Mexican anthropologist is going to present some of the results of a twelve years research he has been doing of this prehispanic monument.

The themes for the four slideshow lectures are:

  1. History of the monument
  2. The Sun Stone as an image of the cosmos
  3. The identity of the central face of the Sun Stone
  4. The eagle-jaguar warriors and the Sun Stone.

The lectures are going to be on Thursdays at 5 pm starting on april 15th. The price for the lecture is 100 pesos.


Aspects of Mexico Lecture + Field Trip Experience

El Instituto Allende y Artesanos del Tiempo  iniciaron juntos este 12, 13 y 14 de marzo el proyecto Aspects of Mexico, Lecture + Field Trip experience.

Se trata de experiencias de acercamiento a diversos aspectos de esta compleja red que llamamos México. Hacemos una combinación ideal, una conferencia sobre el tema central de la excursión a realizarse posteriormente.

LA conferencia se realiza en la Sala James Pinto del Instituto Allende y siempre es una presentación de diapositivas, imágenes seleccionadas para lograr una profundización del conocimiento de los sitios a visitar en los viajes de campo.

La primera experiencia la dedicamos a Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo. La confernecia se realizó el viernes 12 de marzo y el viaje a la ciudad de México se realizó el 13 y el 14 de marzo. Se visitaron algunos de los espacios emblemáticos de la ciudad relacionados con la pareja de pintores mexicanos. Contamos con la asistencia de 10 personas. Este es el tríptico de la experiencia.

La segunda experiencia Aspects of Mexico ocurrió los días 18 y 23 de marzo. El primer día en el Insituto Allende, el segundo día en Teotihuacan. La conferencia fue un acercamiento a la importancia de la ciudad en Mesoamérica y su pintura mural. En el viaje hicimos un itinerario que presenta una perspectiva más integral de lo que fue la gran ciudad a través de la integración de la pintural en los murales de los palacios aledaños a la zona arqueológica Tetitla, Zacuala y Tepantitla. Esta primera experiencia la realizamos con un grupo de 5 ciudadanos canadienses. La segunda experiencia la Teotihuacan será el día 29 de marzo la conferencia y 1 de abril la excursión a la zona arqueológica. Este es el triptico de la experiencia.


Instituto Allende presents Artisans of Time Lectures

Mexico: space of civilizations, time of creators.

Four Lectures in the Instituto Allende, February 2010

“We think that 2010 could be a cultural point of no return similar to the one that took place a hundred years ago. We can combine the creative forces toward new level of development, especially if we take advantage of the history and cultural diversity and of this country .”

The Artisans of Time is a four-part course consisting of lectures, in English, being held at Instituto Allende for two consecutive weeks, on Tuesdays and Thursday, February 2-4 and 9-11,  at 5:30 pm inside Instituto’s  James Pinto Gallery.

Giving the lectures is writer and anthropologist, Alberto Aveleyra, self-described further as a cultural agent and passionate world traveler. Aveleyra is keen on anthropological projects related with the heritage interpretation and relations between culture and tourism. He won the National Price of History on National Symbols.

1ST Lecture. Mexico in the origin of world civilizations

2nd Lecture. The Eagle and the Cactus tree in the imagination of men: Independence and Revolution

3rd Lecture. Diego Rivera and the cultural dimension of the Revolution.

4th Lecture. The Bicentenario: Identity, diversity, heritage, development and self consciousness in Mexico

Admission Fee for each lecture: $100 pesos (includes cocktail), entire course: $350 pesos

Artisans of Time is a cultural project. Its mission is to divulgate a worldview based in a humanistic and sustainable perspective.  Through applied anthropology projects we  contribute to the peace and understanding between local and world cultures while developing an economic development.

For Artisans of Time the Celebrations of the Independence and the Revolution points out a moment to stop to think  deeply what is Mexico, what has it been and the future trajectory of its social and cultural dynamics.

We think that 2010 could be a cultural point of no return similar as the one that took place a hundred years ago. We could take the creative forces into a new level of development, specially, if we take advantage of the history and cultural diversity and heritage of the country.

Artisans of Time started its San Miguel Project with a Lecture in the Museo Casa de Allende (September 2009) about the Meaning of the name of Mexico and its National coat of arms in the prehispanic worldview.

In 2010 we start with four lectures by Alberto Aveleyra  in the Instituto Allende:

1st México in the origin of world civilization.

It´s a lecture about the origin of civilization in Mexican territory with the Olmec culture

2nd The Eagle and the cactus tree: The coat of arms in the imagination of men, Independence and Revolution.

We would talk about the mesoamerican cosmological meaning of the Eagle and the cactus tree and then we´ll talk about its meaning for the Independence leaders and its artistic use in the Revolution of the XX century.

3rd Diego Rivera and the cultural dimensión of the Mexican Revolution.

We´ll stop on the Works and thought of Diego Rivera about mexican culture, his interpretation of Mexican History and his relation with prehispanic art.

4 th The Bicentenario: identity, diversity, heritage, development and self consciousness in Mexico.

A reflection on the different identity and cultural meanings of the 2010 Bicentenario, specially what it has to do with Mexican tangible and intangible heritage, and its relation with a sustainable development perspective.